Parasailing Adventure

Parasailing Adventure

One of the hottest water sports available in posh beach resorts worldwide is parasailing. Water adventure lovers find it as one of the most thrilling water recreational activity, gliding through the fabulous beaches feeling the thrill and excitement of high-flying adventure.

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It is also commonly called as parakiting or parascending, a fun activity where a person is towed behind a boat while attached to a specifically designed parasail wing, then the boat drives off carrying the parasailer into the air. One person per boat is recommended but two people can parasail behind a powerful boat at the same time.

The activity is mainly a fun ride and the parascender has no control over the parachute, so it is advised to make known of the parasail safety first before trying the water sport.

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7 thoughts on “Parasailing Adventure

  1. Oh, I’d love to experience parasailing given the chance.. 😀 I’m quite afraid of seas, but this is an adventure I don’t want to miss!

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