Questions to Ask Yourself Before Leaving for Long Term Travel in Australia
Long term travel in any country is rewarding, but particularly in Australia. There is no country quite like it; with vast swathes of empty wasteland dominating most of the continent, the cities cling to the oceans like a lifeline. Only a few brave souls dare to live in the deserts of the middle of Australia, which means traversing that area is difficult. Besides that, there are several other considerations to think about before departing.

Do you have enough money?
The Australian dollar holds a lot of power. Travelers from other countries will find it quite expensive to live there for any length of time, even on a budget. With that said, calculate your daily expenses, the cost of housing, and the cost of travel. Don’t forget to include VISA costs. Ensuring you have enough money to live and flourish within the country while you are there is essential; it would be a very bad thing indeed to run out of cash halfway through.
Have you made the necessary arrangements with officials?
Most countries do not allow visitors to stay for long periods of time, which means to do so, you need to make the arrangements through a migration agent. Your best bet is to look around Brisbane, a major thoroughfare for travelers. By speaking to migration agents, you can save yourself the headache of going through all the paperwork and bureaucracy that often accompanies this kind of expedition. Numerous online tools exist to find a registered, certified agent; ensure that you are speaking to someone who has the proper authority to help you and not someone trying to scam you.
Do you have travel lined up?
Are you going to important a vehicle, rent one, or purchase a used clunker once you arrive? There are several options. Make sure that if you drive yourself around that you understand the fuel efficiency of your vehicle; gas stations can be hundreds of miles apart in the most remote areas of Australia, and running out of gas can turn into an extremely dangerous situation. If you’re hiring transport, make sure you have the necessary proof and reservations with you when you arrive, as well as a driver’s license. Ensure that your license will not expire while you are abroad.
Did you pack light?
Long term travel means you have to be smart about packing. It’s simply not possible to carry around your entire household in a suitcase; a few pairs of tough, durable clothing that can be washed in a stream and that dries quickly is essential. Clothing like this will last for years, ensuring you always have something to wear. Make sure to pack a variety of clothing, because even though it is hot during the day, nights in Australia can be quite chilly.

Long term travel in Australia can be very rewarding. The country is full of beautiful sites and a sort of stark beauty that brings you face to face with nature. Just make sure you are properly prepared and have taken care of everything ahead of time! The most important thing to remember is to check with migration agents, probably around Brisbane where you are most likely to arrive.