The World’s Best Locations For A Life Changing Vacation
If you’ve been searching online for articles that list standard destination recommendations like Spain and Italy, you’ve come to the wrong place. While some people like to stick with the main tourist hubs, we think it’s always a good idea to look for somewhere more interesting. European countries might be enjoyable occasionally, but you should always try to push your limits. Some destinations offer life changing vacation experiences that you will never forget. So, maybe you should do a little more research before booking for annual summer getaway for 2015?

North Korea
While you will have seen all the propaganda about North Korea on the TV, you probably don’t understand the true nature of the country. Ten years ago, anyone who wanted to visit DPRK had to fly to China and then smuggle themselves across the border. However, that is no longer the case. There are now around nine flights per day from mainland China to North Korea, and so you can visit the country legally. It is one of the last places on earth that is still holding onto a system of government that predates World War Two. The people who were born and raised there are very welcoming to tourists, and your safety is guaranteed.
Nestled between Argentina and Chile, Patagonia is one of the most beautiful mountainous regions in the whole of South America. Those of you who want to see some amazing sights simply can’t go wrong. The views are breathtaking, and there are plenty of organized expeditions every single week. You just need to look online and do some research. That is the best way of discovering the best activities. Patagonia expeditions can vary in length. Some last only a couple of days, while others can continue for over a week. Your selection should come down to your fitness levels, and the amount of time you’re willing to spend in the mountains.
If you’ve ever taken a holiday in London, you’ll have no trouble handling the hustle and bustle of this next location. Tourists aren’t free to visit many middle eastern countries these days for the obvious reasons. However, Iran is one nation that welcomes thousands of westerners each year. Contrary to what you might see on the television, this is a forward thinking nation that has adopted a lot of modern technology. If you want to experience a Muslim country for yourself, there is no better location in the world. Best of all? The oldest civilization on earth came from Iran, and so there are thousands of ancient monuments to visit. Just be warned that most tours have to be organized in advance, which means you need to make all your arrangements before leaving home. There is only a low threat of terrorism, and so you shouldn’t be too concerned. At the current time, Government advice states that Iran is nowhere near as dangerous as Morocco. Many tourists travel there each year without incident, so you have nothing to worry about.
Wherever you decide to take your holiday this year, we hope you manage to experience a new culture and way of life. You might even dispel a few myths and learn what it’s like to live on the other side of the fence.