Glamping: Enjoy The Camping Holiday Of A Lifetime

Glamping: Enjoy The Camping Holiday Of A Lifetime

Glamping in Africa: Elewana Collection in Tanzania and Kenya.
Image credit: Roderick Elme –

Camping isn’t the first choice for a holiday for most people. There are bugs, it is very cozy, and the rain tends to fill the tent. That is, unless, you go glamping. What is glamping? Glamping is a luxury camping option that is getting more and more popular in certain circles. If you want to experience the great outdoors without the negatives, Glamping is perfect. To make sure that it goes well, you need to learn a few tricks of the trade.

Get A Luxury Tent

The main problem with camping is the tent. Tents are usually not big enough to swing a cat, not that you swing cats! Still, it is nice to have the option. And, with a luxury tent, you will have more than enough space to participate in any weird activity you choose. Luxury tents also have home luxuries like a bathroom and electricity. It is like sitting at home in your favorite armchair with one of these, except that you are in the middle of nowhere.

Glamping in Luxury Tents - Moonlight Camp at The Resort at Paws Up
Image credit: Wicker Paradise –

Ditch The Tent Altogether

Or, you can ditch the tent all together. Camping may have strict rules about the tent, but glamping is different. Glamping is all about comfort, which is why you can swap the tent for a trailer or a caravan. Fifth wheels, for example, are great alternatives because they have all the room that you need and are easy to tow. If you see a fifth wheel for sale, you should consider making an investment. You can also go for an RV if you prefer. Whichever you choose, it is better than sitting is a tent!

Take Food And Drink

Nothing says luxury like a nice spread. After all, you don’t want to sit around the campfire and eat chargrilled rabbit for your dinner. No, when you go glamping you need to take a few home comforts that will keep your belly full. What food you take depends on what you like to eat and what you can afford. The same goes for the drink. Regardless, the trick is to take a cooler box that will keep everything fresh for the entire trip. Seasoned glampers use rechargeable cooler boxes that you can hook up to the car. That way, you can keep everything cool and fresh so long as the car battery doesn’t die.

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By J.M.GargOwn work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Go Somewhere Special

Glamping isn’t just about your amenities because the location also plays a big part. You could have everything you need, yet it still won’t be as luxurious as possible because the location isn’t up to scratch. The key is to pick a beautiful spot that has great scenery and wildlife. And, if that spot is secluded, that is even better! There are plenty of places you can choose, which makes it hard work. If you want inspiration, just follow this link as it lists the best places in the world to go glamping.

Camping might not be your thing, but glamping is different. Glamping is the great outdoors and luxury all rolled into one. How can you say no?

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