Global Summer Sailstice celebrates 13th Year
Hear ye sailing community, sailors and non-sailors worldwide are welcome to join the global sailing celebration on the 13th annual international holiday for sailors come 22nd of June 2013.
Summer Sailstice is an international event that was launched in 2001 with John Arndt as its founder aiming to connect the global sailing community in a fun, creative, multifaceted, multi-location sailing holiday. It is a global sailing holiday celebrated on the weekend closest to the summer solstice. Every year, Summer Sailstice connects more than 19,000 sailors all over the world—cruisers, racers and recreational—to celebrate and showcase life under sail. The celebration has continued to grow in popularity and has expanded to include participants from Asia, across the Americas and Europe.
“For years the Summer Sailstice event has connected sailors worldwide in their own event portal allowing them to showcase their common sailing celebrations across the world. Now, with the relaunched site and new tools, it will be even easier for sailors to join local sailing events celebrated on the Sailstice, create events to connect one-design classes, clubs or fellow sailors and then share this with their local sailing communities.” – says John Arndt
Moreover, according to Arndt, there are two reasons why he continues to build the Summer Sailstice community – “At one level, Summer Sailstice is designed to help change the perception of the non-sailing public who often see sailing presented in a racing format or learn about it via news of a rare sailing tragedy. Sailing’s more fun, more affordable and more accessible than most people realize. A global sailing celebration, with all types of boats, big and small like Sunfish and Hobie 16s, helps showcase a much truer representation of the entire sailing world. And, at another level, within the sailing world so many individual fleets and clubs suffer from declining participation despite the efforts of many energetic volunteers working hard to bring in new people. By sailing ‘together’ in the same sailing celebration, fleets and clubs can leverage their events together, receive enhanced publicity, tap into the global Summer Sailstice prize list and leverage the tools at for stronger results. Beyond that it’s the beginning of the peak sailing season, it’s the longest days of the year and it’s fun! “
Come and celebrate sailing. To know more about Summer Saultice please visit or contact